APY as a calculator


Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is a useful measure to calculate the real return on an investment or savings account, taking into account the effect of compounding interest.

APY as a calculator

APY=(1+rn)n−1\text{APY} = \left(1 + \frac{r}{n}\right)^n – 1APY=(1+nr​)n−1


  • rrr is the nominal interest rate.
  • nnn is the number of compounding periods per year.

For example, if you have an interest rate of 5% (0.05 as a decimal) compounded monthly (12 times a year), the APY can be calculated as:

APY=(1+0.0512)12−1\text{APY} = \left(1 + \frac{0.05}{12}\right)^{12} – 1APY=(1+120.05​)12−1

Would you like to calculate APY for a specific set of values? If so, please provide the nominal interest rate and the number of compounding periods per year.